A unique approach to Historical Mapping

One Historical Map for Each and Every Year in Recorded History
Interactive Historical Atlases on CD and DVD


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3000 BCE to the present
With Major Tribes and Peoples
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Indexed by date, country, rulers
Map movie (World 3000 and North America only)

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One map
for each and every day
of the Civil War
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Sample Maps

The following maps have been selected as a samples. These sample maps are exactly like the maps on the CD's.

Select any of the following years to view the samples. Each sample also links to the other samples in its group.

Countries of the World: 1750, 1250, 750, 250, 250 BCE, 750 BCE, 1250 BCE, 1750 BCE, 2250 BCE, 2750 BCE,

Countries of the Old World: 1750, 1250, 750, 250, 250 BCE,

Countries of the Ancient West: 750 BCE, 1250 BCE, 1750 BCE, 2250 BCE, 2750 BCE,

Countries of North America: 1936, 1836, 1736, 1636, 1536

The American Civil War - Sample Maps